Rental Info

1. When a signed and dated contract along with the cast size sheet (provided by TAC) and deposit are received, your contract is locked in and scheduled for your contracted show. The initial deposit is a non-refundable fee, but will be applied toward your final rental invoice if all costumes are returned in satisfactory condition. If the director wants The Actor’s Closet (TAC) to create or purchase specific items that are not part of our standard stock, additional charges will apply and will be added to the final invoice.

2. A standard rental period is one week. Additional weekly rentals will be discounted at The Actor’s Closet’s discretion.

3. If custom-made items are requested as part of this rental, and/or TAC has to make, remake, or purchase non-standard sized costumes, it will necessitate an additional charge.

4. If damage to any costume or accessory occurs, TAC needs to be notified prior to the return. The renter agrees to pay the replacement cost of any articles that are LOST or DAMAGED. “Replacement cost” means the cost of recreating the lost or damaged item as determined by TAC. Loss/Damage charges will be assessed after the costumes are returned, and will be added to the final invoice.

5. The rented items need to be returned together on the provided hanger (including a bag for small accessories/items)

6. Shipping costs, if needed, are the responsibility of the renter.

7. Upon initial delivery, each performer should get costume approval from the director/costume coordinator. If a replacement is needed, please notify TAC within 24 hours either via email or phone.

8. Renter understands that cancellation of an order due to an act of God (fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, snowstorm, etc.) will not result in a refund of payments made against the order. If the order is rescheduled at a mutually agreed upon date within one year, payments received by TAC will be applied as per the original contract.

9. Renter agrees to acknowledge in the show program the use of costumes from TAC.